Attention: Short whiny moment ahead. Please proceed with extreme caution and care. Reminder to all: Only YOU can prevent overwhelming negativity... and forest fires.
I am frustrated.
Me looking through the junk mail: "I could paint the pattern on that $60 plate. Why didn't I make that?"
Me on Instagram: "My art should have geometric shapes. Like that chick. And that dude. And them. And that company. And those people... Why didn't I start this earlier?"
Me looking at my favorite blogs: "That's the best party/ decor/ gift/ kitchen idea ever. Why didn't I think of that?"
Me looking through Etsy stores: "Simple. Ingenious. Saw a need, filled it. Why didn't I do that?"
Me looking at my friend's favorite blogs: "That lady has to be super woman. It's like she's running her family, her household, her job, and her blog (which reads like a ladies fashion magazine) on top of all of that. Why can't I juggle 10 plates?"
Me looking through my completed work: "Obviously, I have a thing for flowers. Oh. Gosh. It looks like the latest Vera Bradley catalog puked all over every canvas I own. Why does my paintbrush insist on 'floral'?"
What is this funk all about and why am I allowing it to be so discouraging?
Am I stressing unnecessarily? (Probably.) Am I wasting my time by comparing my work with others? (Most definitely.) Am I distracted? (Possibly.) If so, what's different than normal? (No answer.) No desire to self-analyze? (Definitely avoiding something.)
What do you do when you're feeling anti-inspired? Unmotivated? Lacking? Please share.